And one day ... i've realised that i am something very similar with ... a time bomb … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I keep analysing myself.

I try to do it ... everyday.

And what intrigues me is that in certain circumstances ... i totally lose control on myself ... acting and actually being ... a devil.

I simple .... explode.

... not being able anymore to calm myself ... even if i want that.

I actually act on the stage of life ... like a time bomb... but i don't really know when that will happen.

I simply know it happens.

... all the time.

Randomly ... almost without any logic ... but becoming a devil ... again and again ... i ruin all the dynamic of my whole existence.

Yes ...

I would really like to know ... how i could avoid that ... but ...

Maybe ... i don't know enough about myself.

Maybe ... i am not able to clearly analyse those factors which activate the devil from inside of me.


Maybe ... i can't be honest enough with myself.

Or maybe ... i am just incapable of doing it.

Like ... many, many others.

But ... all what i know is that i hate being ... a time bomb.

Yes ... i hate it.

I know the implications.

I know ... what happens next.

I know that ... those "explosions" ruin all.

I know that the people around myself ... had enough of those existential crises of mine.

In fact ... i know they hate those inner devils ... from inside of me.

But ... all is a reflection of the fact ... that i balance between having and not really having the control on myself ... as a human.

Cause ... i don't really know myself.

I can't understand myself.

I can't mentally penetrate those boundaries which defines me as a human being ... and understand this illogic.

So ... life continues.

I look normal ... like the lives of all the others ... but then the devils come out of myself.

Acting ... weird.

... ruining all.


Download the book ”Beyond the boundaries ... of the human being” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.



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